I've been meaning to share all about this turban and information regarding it's availability for purchase for quite some time now. As you know, though, I've been incredibly busy lately and things just don't always go according to plan. Thanks to a big kick in the petticoat by my fabulous friend Jessica from Chronically Vintage, I'm finally getting my buns in gear. A few weeks ago, Jessica was kind enough to feature the Fall Floral - Jean Turban in a blog post. You can read her post (and check our her awesome blog) HERE. Her post has prompted me to finally let you all know some of the things that have been happening in the shadows around here.
I guess I should probably back up a step and let you all know that my Mom and I have opened an Etsy Store. We've been toying with the idea for a while but had always had it planned for the future, when I'm living closer to her. However, during my last visit, and a late night, brain-storming session (that may or may not have involved a bottle of wine) we went ahead and set it up. For now, while we are both busy working and going to school and separated by most of an entire continent, we are keeping things small and starting off slow. But we are open and ready to drum up some business. Mainly because, any income generated between now and the move, will be put towards the cost of me and my man moving across said continent.
The first of my creations to be made for the shop is the Jean Turban. Named after a dear elderly friend who, due to health issues is loosing her hair. We did some brain storming and some researching, a few trial and errors, and have come up with a pattern. Not only does it work great for her but I also fell in love with them for many reasons.
I first loved the fact that I can throw it on when I haven't curled my hair or I've gone one too many days between washes. No more tying slippery scarves, trying to get the bow just right and bobby pinning the crap out of it to get it to (hopefully) stay on my head. I love the removable bow, I find that if there is any height to my bangs, the bow is too much but if my bangs are flat, the bow adds a little bit of style to my look. I also love that it fits easily over my foam rollers when I'm doing a wet set, or over my heat-set pin curls. After my hair is set, I very easily loose my curl over night. Not any more, though. I just put on my turban before bed and when I wake up in the morning, they are still intact. My sets now last days longer than they used to, without me having to re-pin them every night. I gotta say, sleeping in my turban is much more comfortable than sleeping with a million bobby pins in my hair. All in all, this turban has been the best thing to happen to my hair in a very long time. If you, like me, spend too much time setting or curling your hair, just to have your curls fall out, the Jean Turban may be just the thing for you.
We currently have 3 different prints available and 2 more that are on their way very soon. So keep checking our shop, Lacey Rose Creations, to see what we have and watch us grow. I'll be featuring more of our creations and more about us in general here on the blog in the future. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or to send us a message over on Etsy. We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks again, Jessica, for helping me spread the word and continuing to support small businesses.
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