Got to spend a wonderful evening with my knitting family, the Fairbanks Fiberistas. Although the group meets once a week, we can't all make it every time, but that doesn't matter, it's always a blast. Plus, if the whole group were able to meet up, I can guarantee we would never be invited back to the venue it was held at. As we can be a loud, crude, crazy bunch of yarn obsessed women.
Knitting hours: 3
Projects: Slippers (I'm calling them the "Finally for Me" slippers)
Leyburn Socks
Pics of my projects will generally be posted when they are off the needles. Unless I decide differently, which I can totally do because this is my blog and I can do what I want. Yipee, I think I'm gonna like this.
I can' wait to meet those gals. They look like a great bunch. If follow some of their threads, just for grins & giggles. They are a hoot.